Importance of Microchipping Your Pet(s)

Microchipping your pets is easier, and cheaper, than you might think.  This is also a sure-fire way to have your pets returned to you should they become missing.  The cost is only $15 per pet. 

While walking through the Wood Streets a few weekends ago, Tara and I witnessed a beautiful white and gray cat unwittingly run across Bandini Avenue wherein he was instantly killed by a passing automobile.  I immediately called the Riverside City/County Animal Shelter at (951) 358-7387 (PETS) and waited for the Animal Control Officer.  The officer mentioned that the cat was probably not a stray because of its healthy appearance; however, since there was no collar, it would be difficult to locate the owner unless there was a microchip.  Every pet (dead or alive) that is picked up by Animal Control is scanned for a microchip.  Unfortunately, the officer stated that not enough pets are microchipped.

Locating an owner is important, but so is extending the life of a pet that is caught by Animal Control.  A pet that is captured with no collar and no microchip is held for only 4 days until a decision is made to adopt or euthanize.  A pet that is captured with a collar or a microchip is held for 10 days until a decision is made.  The microchip will offer your pet a 6 day reprieve! 

The microchip is inserted under the skin of the neck area of your pet.  The chip is very small and the insertion process is relatively painless.  Scanners are used by all animal shelters in Riverside County, and animals are scanned when they initially are brought in and at each step during handling, but especially prior to euthanasia.

Even indoor pets should be microchipped — sometimes they escape by accident through an open door, or  because they’re frightened by fireworks or thunder.  We’ve had all of our pets microchipped and feel confident they’ll be returned should they ever become lost!

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