Trunk ‘n Treat vs. Trick-or-Treat

Trick-or-Treating is the time-honored tradition of children going door-to-door on Halloween evening while gathering candy and goodies from neighbors. 

We’ve recently heard the term Trunk ‘n Treat, and learned that it’s an event designed to provide a safe, free, one-stop alternative to trick-or-treating for children.  Participants park their vehicles in a large parking lot, decorate the trunk of their car or create themed booths that costumed children can walk around to, play games at, and receive prizes and candy.  

What a great idea for clubs, churches, schools and neighbors to consider for Halloween 2009!  Meanwhile, we’ve included the following safety tips for this Halloween.  These are always good reminders for all of us, especially children who are getting too independent to go trick-or-treating with their parents. 

  • Plan your route and let someone know where you’ll be going, and when you’ll be home! Never trick-or-treat alone… go with a friend.
  • Never go inside a house to accept treats.  Accept treats only in the doorway.
  • Wait until you get home to eat your candy — and only eat it after your parents inspect your goodies.
  • Visit houses only that have their lights on.
  • Walk.  Do not run.  Walk on sidewalks and driveways.  Cross the street at the corner or in a crosswalk.
  • Wear costumes with reflective markings, bright colors and flame-resistant materials.  Stay away from lit jack-o-lanterns.   
  • Take a cell phone, a flashlight and a watch.

Most of all, have fun, stay safe…. and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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