Green Home Conversions & Rebates
Want to save $$$ on energy costs? Tired of that hot/stuffy room? Are you afraid to run your air conditioner? Confused by all the advertisements? Don’t know where to begin? The “Wood Streets Green Team” can help!
The Wood Streets Green Team’s mission is to provide resources to assist Wood Streets residents in increasing the sustainability of their lifestyle. Their website is a resource where all Riverside residents can share insights, ask questions, and request information about living more sustainably.
Join us on Sunday July 25, 2010 for a workshop entitled “Green Home Conversions with Riverside Public Utilities Rebates” from 3 pm to 5 pm at RCC‘s Hall of Fame in the Student Union Center (click here for campus map).
This workshop will feature Ryan Bullard from Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) who will explain the new Whole House Rebate Program, a tiered rebate that gets bigger the more environmentally friendly projects you perform. Steven Rawls from REEIS (Residential Energy Efficiency Improvement Specialists) will teach you how to determine the most important and cost effective improvements for your home.
The green shape under the words “Wood Streets Green Team” is the map outline of the Wood Streets neighborhood here in wonderful and historical Riverside, California!
This workshop will provide valuable information for everyone concerned about the environment, their community, and their future.
Though the Team is geographically located in the Wood Streets neighborhood, all Riverside residents are invited to join the Team and attend the workshops! We look forward to seeing you there.