(FREE) Concerts In the Park

California Citrus State Historic Park

The 18th anniversary of “Concerts in the Park” begins tonight (and will occur every Friday until July 22nd) at the California Citrus State Historic Park from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.  Come make a night of it — set up a picnic dinner while you enjoy the music and atmosphere!  Tonight, King Jazz Combo will be performing.

Were you aware that California Citrus State Historic Park preserves some of the rapidly vanishing cultural landscape of the citrus industry?  The Citrus Park tells the story of this industry’s role in the history and development of California.  The park also recaptures the time when “Citrus was King” in California, recognizing the important of the citrus industry in southern California.

Directions:  Exit Van Buren Boulevard from the 91 Freeway and go south to Dufferin Avenue.  For more information, please call the State Parks Office at 951-780-6222.  Freewill donations accepted. No parking fees.

Proudly sponsored by California State Parks, California Citrus State Historic Park NPMC, Riverside Arts Council, City of Riverside Public Utilities, and Magnolia Center Rotary Club.

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